Buying Cough and cold medicines

It is very common for general public to buy over the counter medications for cough and colds. The followings are some important points which we should pay attention.
It is not recommended to buy any over the counter cough and cold medicine for children under 6 years. Seek medical attention.
Parents may buy over the counter cough […]
What is high blood pressure?

Blood pressure refers to:
The pressure on the walls of blood vessels when the heart pumps blood from the heart to all parts of the body.
When the heart contracts, the pressure caused by blood on the walls of the blood vessels is called systolic pressure (also known as upper pressure)
When the ventricles relax, the […]
What is diabetes?

Diabetes is a chronic disease of metabolic disorders. Insulin in the body of diabetic patients cannot make glucose in the blood enter the cells and produce energy for the body. The reasons include the pancreas cannot produce enough insulin, or the insulin produced cannot be used effectively by the body, resulting in an increase in […]